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How To Know if Someone Blocked You on Whatsapp 2024

how to know if someone blocked you on whatsapp

guys in whatsapp There's no way to tell if someone blocked you on WhatsApp, but there are some signs that might indicate it. Here are a few things to look for:

  • Last Seen and Online Status: If you can't see the person's last seen timestamp or online status, it could be a sign you're blocked. However, they could also just be hiding their Last Seen from everyone in their privacy settings.     
  • Profile Photo Updates: If you don't see any changes to their profile photo, even if you know they've updated it, that could be another sign.
  • Message Checkmarks: When you send a message to someone who has blocked you, you'll only see one gray checkmark next to the message. This means the message was sent, but it doesn't necessarily mean it was delivered.
  • Calls Don't Go Through: If you try to call someone on WhatsApp and it doesn't ring, it could be a sign you're blocked. But, similar to the other signs, there could be other explanations.

Important to Remember:

These signs aren't foolproof. There could be other reasons why you're seeing them. 

WhatsApp doesn't want to tip someone off if they've blocked you, so they intentionally keep things a little ambiguous.

If you're seeing several of these signs at once, How To Know if Someone Blocked You on Whatsapp it's more likely that you've been blocked. But ultimately, there's no way to know for sure without directly asking the person. 


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