How To Grow Dragon Fruit. Many people have hobbies to do and what could be more better than starts growing fruits in the home garden. Dragon fruits are most hyped modern fruits among the fruits and here are 10 tips to grow a Dragon fruit tree at Home Garden -
- Choose a Variety: Dragon fruit has another name which is calls Pitaya and it comes in different varieties with varying characteristics. You have to select a variety that suits your climate and preferences. Some common
types include Hylocereus undatus (white-fleshed) and Hylocereus
costaricensis (red-fleshed).
- Climate and Location:
- Climate: Dragon fruit thrives in tropical or subtropical climates. It requires warm temperatures and can tolerate some drought but prefers regular watering.
- Location: Plant in a location that receives adequate amount of sun light for most of the day. If you live in a colder climate, consider growing dragon fruit in containers that you can bring indoors during cooler seasons.
- Soil:
- Dragon fruit prefers well-draining soil. A sandy or loamy soil mixture works well. If your soil is heavy, amend it with sand or perlite to improve drainage.
- Planting:
- Cuttings: Dragon fruit is typically grown from cuttings rather than seeds. Obtain a cutting from a mature plant (usually a friend or a nursery). Allow the cutting to dry for a few days to a week before planting to minimize the risk of rotting.
- Planting Depth: Plant the cutting about halfway into the soil. It should be stable but not buried too deeply.
- Support:
- Dragon fruit plants are climbing cacti and need support as they grow. Provide a trellis or a sturdy support structure for the plant to climb. You can also use a post with several cross arms.
- Watering:
- Initially, water the plant regularly to help establish the roots. Once established, dragon fruit is drought-tolerant but benefits from regular watering during dry periods, especially in pots.
- Fertilizing:
- Use a balanced fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). A fertilizer formulated for cacti or succulents is suitable. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates.
- Pruning:
- Prune the plant to promote branching and a sturdy framework. Remove any dead or damaged branches. Pruning also helps manage the size of the plant.
- Pollination:
- Dragon fruit flowers at night and relies on moths or bats for pollination in its native habitats. In some regions, hand-pollination may be necessary to ensure fruit set. Use a small brush to transfer pollen between flowers.
- Harvesting:
- Dragon fruit typically matures and is ready for harvest within 30-50 days after flowering. The fruit should be evenly colored and slightly soft to the touch. Use pruning shears to harvest the fruit, leaving a short stem attached.
by following all these steps, you can successfully grow dragon fruit and enjoy its unique and delicious fruits.
Dragon Fruit Benefits
Dragon fruit grows in tropical and sub-tropical environment and it has some unique appearance, crunchy texture and sweet taste. People believe that its name comes from a fire breathing dragon from fairy tales because of its unique appearances. It has a lot of health benefits because It is rich with antioxidants which plays a vital role in reducing risk of cancer and diabetes. Adding this fruit to regular diet would have good advantage to having a healthy body and mind. hope this article How To Grow Dragon Fruit At Home may helps you.